Thursday, February 10, 2011


Week 1

Day 1 - introduced to the course again

Day 2 - We started working with AutoCAD again with just a 3D object drawing each side

Day 3 - We continued to draw the three sides of a 3D object and published it to our blog

Day 4 - We were given a 3D bolt to make in AutoCAD

Day 5 - Started our house in google SketchUp

Week 2

Day 1 - SICK

Day 2 - Worked on my house and took screen shots of each side.

Day 3 - Re-designed the first auto-CAD thing we did and uploaded a new version on my blog and created a new figure 1.7 which also is on the blog.

Day 4 - Today we started a new figure in Auto-CAD which was completed and uploaded onto the blog.

Day 5 - Today we did figure 2.9 using Auto-CAD, this took some teamwork and cooperation in order to fulfil the expectations of our knowledgeable teacher.

Week 3

Day 1 - Family Day

Day 2 - Today we finished figure 2.9 and helped David catch up on some work

Day 3 - SICK

Day 4 - Today we posted figure 2.9 onto the blog and made a new design from the tutorial on using the drop down commands.

Day 5 - We started figure 3.3a using Auto-CAD

Week 4

Day 1 - We learned presentation drawings and took notes for different perspectives.

Day 2 - Today we continued figure 3.3a but got stuck when we needed to make a circle from a metric measurement.

Day 3 - Today we worked on a quiz online and blogged it

Day 4 - Today we did a quiz that we downloaded into a .DocX file that we highlighted the answers on and emailed via firstclass to Mr.D

Day 5 - Today we began figure 2.7 and learned the Array command

Week 5

Week 6

Day 1 - Today we continued 2.7 and learned the Pline command

Day 2 - Today we started sketching drawings by hand

Day 3 - Today we started a quiz type thing to test are sketching ability

Day 4 - We started figure 2.4 on autocad using commands we already know

Day 5 - Continued working on autocad drawing 2.4

Week 7 

Day 1 - Helped David and Donald draw their competition drawings for autocad

Day 2 - SICK

Day 3 - Watched a movie in class on the computer

Day 4 - SICk

Day 5 - Listened to Mr.D explain some more things about perspectives and technical drawings

Week 8 

Day 1 - Played the construction game and took a picture for our blog of the bridge construction

Day 2 - SICK

Day 3 - SICK

Day 4 - Today i came back to start a logo done in photoshop about some kind of design related company including our name in it.

Day 5 - Today we did a test that i obviously failed and i was told to make a logo with no information on how to do it

Week 9

Day 1 - suspended

Day 2 - suspended

Day 3 - suspended

Day 4 - SICK

Day 5 - PA DAY

Week 10

Day 1 - I began catching up on the group project that i am behind on

Day 2 - Today we did a tutorial for Rhino to make basic shapes

Final Week of School

Day 1-5 - We spent the entire week on Rhino finishing our 3D models. I have created a Dragunov (NO SCOPE) within that time using many commands and help from the other grade 12's. After completing the model i angled the light source so that i could render the image and post a well taken picture showing every side and detail of the gun.

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