Monday, June 20, 2011

The final 3D model

 This is the gun put together but not rendered to make it look fully 3 dimensional.
After tracing the 2D image of this gun each section (barrel, stock, magazine, receiver, trigger, etc) was created into 3D objects separately.

Creating each part 3 dimensional was the hardest part, after that putting them together was easy.

 This is the final gun put together and rendered to look like the real deal.
The angle of this picture was to get the visual of how each part (magazine, trigger guard, stock holes, etc) are different depths and sizes, creating a more realistic gun.

This picture has the "light" command helping the shadows come in from a different angle instead of the entire object being a bright grey.
This is the front view of the gun showing the size of every section and also the small iron sight on the barrel of the gun.
Also from this view you can see the barrel and how there is a muzzle (the hole in the barrel for the bullet) which is to scale.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rhino 4.0 V-Block

This is the V-Block made in Rhino 4.0 in the wire frame view and in full 3D.
The commands were mainly from Auto-CAD but the extrude command is new. It pulls a flat surface and creates a 3D object.

Rhine 4.0 Screw Driver

 This is the screw driver made 3D from the top view.
 This is the screw driver from the full perspective view
This is a picture of all the views of a screw driver being made into 3D but before that they are in this wire frame that allows you to change everything on the outside as well as inside the object.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rhino Proposal

In the program Rhinoceros 4.0 i will be creating, as my final project, a WWII M1A1 Thompson Sub-Machine Gun.
This gun was originally an idea from personal likes but also the challenge in creating something 3D that no one else has attempted found my curiosity.
This picture was the only one that could be imported into the Adobe and Rhino programs to be traced in order to separate each part.
No scaling was found unless separate purchases of gun manuals were obtained so the scaling of the final gun is only from the picture found on Google images.

This is the 3D modeling program Rhinoceros in its 4 perspective layout.

Inside each screen is my creation of the M1A1 Thompson sub-machine gun in parts ready to be put together.